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Taking the TPT Plunge

Well, I finally did it! I put my first product on TeachersPayingTeachers. I was so nervous about putting something on the site. I didn't really know what I was doing at first, but after a short time, I had it figured out. I realize I have no pictures of myself to use as my profile pic, go figure I am the one taking all of the family pictures. The Cranberry Science lesson I put on, was some experiments that I used when we had three short days before Thanksgiving break and did they help make things a bit more fun. Taste testing and using Wisconsin grown cranberries that my own son got on his trip to the bog made it even more special. He brought back two BIG bags and we still have some frozen. Guess I should make some cranberry bread this week, now that I remembered. I am working on a whole bunch of new stuff that focuses on the NGSS, new science standards. Can't wait to post now that I am getting the hang of it.

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