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Mr. McGregor's Garden Continued....

So my little Junior Master Gardeners were gathered today to learn how to read and order seeds from a seed catalog. They were excited to see all of the different varieties of tomatoes, flowers, and even plants they never heard of. We discussed varieties of seeds and what is best to grow in Wisconsin. Let's just say that everyone of them wanted to plant watermelon and cantaloupe. Not the best growing season for them here. So onto other vegetables that were planted in Mr. McGregor's garden that Peter ate and saw on his adventure. We found beans, lettuce, radish, and parsley...all the items he ate. Then we researched cabbage and onions what he saw. We want to create Mr. McGregor's theme garden with a scarecrow made of a blue jacket and brown shoes. We even have a ceramic bunny that is Peter. The tough thing now is to teach them what they could plant in one five by five raised garden. So check out what I did...(the veggies are not perfect, but the size is pretty close. They each got to be an expert on one veggie and then discussed why they should plant it in a particular spot). This made perfect sense and it was all up to them...not me! Ownership is key to veggie eating buy in!

Plotting Mr. McGregor's garden with second and third graders

We even plotted bush beans and pole beans. Great way to add math into your garden as well! Perimeter, area, square footage and more...

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