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Taking the TPT Plunge

Well, I finally did it! I put my first product on TeachersPayingTeachers. I was so nervous about putting something on the site. I didn't really know what I was doing at first, but after a short time, I had it figured out. I realize I have no pictures of myself to use as my profile pic, go figure I am the one taking all of the family pictures. The Cranberry Science lesson I put on, was some experiments that I used when we had three short days before Thanksgiving break and did they help make things a bit more fun. Taste testing and using Wisconsin grown cranberries that my own son got on his trip to the bog made it even more special. He brought back two BIG bags and we still have some frozen. Guess I should make some cranberry bread this week, now that I remembered. I am working on a whole bunch of new stuff that focuses on the NGSS, new science standards. Can't wait to post now that I am getting the hang of it.

Taking It For "Grant"ed

Time to focus on this year's goal after spending two weeks in a science STEM grant. I really need to connect with other science teachers so that we can start helping each other incorporate the new Next Generation Science Standards. During my last two weeks, we worked on a unit that incorporates FOSS and the Next Generation standards in 3rd grade for interdependent relationships in ecosystems and Life Cycles and Traits. We also used the second grade interdependent relationships in ecosystems to create a greenhouse idea that I think will be so much fun for the kiddos. We will be using it in our 2nd grade FOSS unit, plants. Speaking of plants... we received a Farm to School Grant to build a school garden, and have we ever. Check out our garden.

Things to Remember for My Potential Science room

Wrapping paper for top of window, with cool border underneath. triangles cut out and hung on ribbon border on shelving on wooden shelf covered paper and border word wall table numbers above tables on big round circles laminated color scheme...red, blue, green, yellow, pink, purple... Accucut words (big ideas, science word wall, science stars) find cool colored table cloth for supply table front door table pick up, take with and hand in signs cans covered in cool paper with red, yellow, blue flowers could I use colored paper plates, with table numbers on it with gift wrap... don't forget the red lamp on the table by the door. Could you get old beakers for vases???? just a start for a great classroom!!!!


It has been a while, but wow end of the quarter= BUSY. Report cards for over 430 students and new units to boot. Today, we met as science teachers to discuss next year's plan. Our district has hired a scheduling guru to help us organize our schedule...this ultimately takes away science time each week as we move to a six day rotation. We also looked at the new Core Science Standards which got me thinking, are we really ready to implement the new standards next year? Do we have materials, lessons, activities to do this? No, no, and no. So tonight I am going to crank out some activities to help in that process. Stay tuned for the "Fast" Food Chain Unit. I know that there is a ton of lessons out there, but we must tackle the Core Science component. I am excited about creating some great new lessons.


Gosh, I haven't been around as often, have I. I have been a busy bee this December. I have been working on some new units to share soon. My recent unit is one that I have to get ready for the summer, College For Kids. Last year, I taught a five day unit based on our local historical museum's traveling trunks. Each day we learned a different time in history. We cooked, created an art project, and learned historical facts based on the themes. My favorite was the pioneer trunk, but who could go wrong with native american history, WWII, Civil War, and Immigration. This year, as a new science diva, I am working with younger students. I have created 6 lessons to use for our 21st century grant at one of my schools, as well as the UWMC. The themes this year are: bubbles, rainbows, seasons, measurement, balloons, and wind. Each day will be packed with a children's book based on our science theme. We will also conduct experiments, create an art activity, do some writing, and if there is time a little bit extra... I can't wait to share it with you.

Science Class DoJo

I am excited to share our new Science Star award, Class DoJo. With over 500 students that I service, I needed to find a positive behavior program that works. It is a positive behavior program where each child is given an avatar that represents them during Science time. I can give positive and negative points for class noise level, participation, and even on task behaviors. By the end of the class our goal is to have 75% of the class at obtaining positive behavior points. For each 75%-94% the class will be awarded one Science Star. If the class has over 95% of the class getting positive points the class will earn 2 Science Stars. The goal is to get to 10 points for a fun Science reward such as an extra cool experiment or special activities. I can't wait to start it this week with our new units. This program is free and is super easy to set up. You can put it up on a Smartboard or projector. You can use your I Pad to walk around and award points or give reminders of what good behavior looks like. You can also use it on your I Phone. Wish I had one... all my kids do, mom gets the cheapo one. What we don't do for our children...I will let you know how it goes.

Lots To Be Thankful For...

I think my students really loved the Thanksgiving themed activities. Who doesn't love eating popcorn and bouncing berries? I thought I would love Cranberry Thanksgiving, but what seemed to work out better was pictures of cranberry bogs, plants, and processing of the berries that I showed on an I pad. We used our five senses in the younger grades with both popcorn and cranberries. I was impressed that most of the students tried the tart treat. As for the popcorn activity the soaked seeds didn't pop, the lesson was a success, and the sheets helped guide my kiddos. I am posting the activities on TpT. Hope you like them.
The leftover berries were great. We used them to make homemade cranberry sauce. My son thought it was pretty awesome that the berries he picked for me were actually tasty once you add a bit of sugar and orange juice to the pot.
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