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It's Friday My Friends...FOSS Friday

It is Friday, a day four and it is a heat wave here in Wisconsin. This morning already it is a whopping 21 degrees! Warmest day in ...like...forever!  This next week, is the last week of the quarter so it is crunch time for getting in one last quiz. Our poor kiddos haven't seen an outdoor recess in a while so in science we have done as much hands on fun stuff as we can. Our kinder kiddos are learning about the sun. I read...

They learned that the sun gives plants energy to grow. They learned that the sun is a star that looks big because it is the closest star too us. They learned how the Earth rotates each day and how we also revolve around the sun. It sure helps that we have four seasons so they can understand how we lean toward and away from the sun. We rotated, we revolved, we got closer and farther away and tested how something seems smaller as it moves away from us. We also did a drawing to show what we like to do in the sun. We sang Mr. Sun, Sun...

Oh, sun, how I have missed you!!!!
Our first graders are working on the FOSS unit pebbles, sand, and silt. Who doesn't like to go to the beach! I read the book Sand and then we traced the word sand, played in buckets of sand, and even got to take a shell home! 
They drew their favorite thing at the beach. Check out their ideas!
Our 3rd graders are learning the FOSS water lesson on thermometers. We practiced using real thermometers first and reviewed what we knew about reading and measuring temperature.
Fourth graders love the FOSS lesson on immobilized thumbs. I have been giving my bigs vocabulary sheets to fill in as they go so that they can take a sheet with them to review and study. Here is the link to what I gave the fourth graders. Joint Notes and Vocabulary (sorry no picture...I did it in word)

Fifth graders are focusing on solutes and solvents. The only good way that I could thing of for them to remember those words is that a vent must be turned on when you are boiling liquid. Solvent=liquid. We combine the citric acid and salt saturation lessons to do a competition...which is more soluble...citric acid or salt? The competition seems to be a lot more fun then doing the lesson separately. Here is the sheet I gave them. Saturation Sheet
Just some quick show and tell this week and how I made FOSS fun and academically sound.

What's the Matter?

So, today is a "cold" day and I mean it is cold here in Wisconsin. It's -23 right now. BRRRRR! I had a little more time last night to create something fun for the FOSS Solids and Liquids unit. Making FOSS more fun is my game. I made there stations...

STATION 1: Making root beer floats. Who wouldn't love making root beer floats and reviewing solids, liquids, and gases. Solid= ice cream....Liquid=root beer....gas=fizzes. Students will also write the how to which helps with Common Core.

STATION 2: Who doesn't love making volcanoes, but here is the twist. Students will add

Baking soda  +  vinegar = gas   and pop goes the weasel. Students will predict and observe as they review matter.

STATION 3: What's the Matter With Frosty the Snowman. After reading the story or watching the quick video clip, students will watch the teacher collect "Frosty" and mark the tape measure. The class will record what is happening to Frosty as he joins the students in class. The solid Frosty, will soon be the liquid Frosty, and as time goes on Frosty will evaporate into a gas.
Here is the quick story of Frosty as the song is sung. Students can use their deductive thinking as to what happened throughout the story.

Check it out at What's The Matter...Science Stations.

Tomorrow...A Peek At My Week

Back to the grind tomorrow, but feeling ready to go after such a nice break. It's time to remember where I left off so out comes the lesson plan book.  Goofy, my day five starts on Thursday, but I as sooo glad...it's my prep day. I only teach an hour and a half with the rest of the time for getting ready for the end of the quarter planning and figuring out what I am doing next week. Yea, for prep time.
Are you ready????  Today, my goal is to create some fun vocabulary games for one of the stations in kindergarten, first, and second grades. I also will be working on another fun sand activity and also a reading thermometers sheet. Prep before the prep!

Here are two sheets that I made so far that will be part of our sand stations:)

                              Sand Activities

One For Me...

Boy, I have never reflected as much as I have than this year. I found this linky party that really made me think about...good ol' 2013. I am linking up with 4th Grade Frolics, which has been very inspirational. At 44, I am at a time in my life where you do start reflecting a lot. 2013 had me graduation our oldest, no travels, no real highlights. I worked on a Farm to School Grant that I am proud of...it helped so many families and connected me to my new school.

My parents moved out of our home town and with their "new" life they have not contacted our family in over 7 months. I am sure people don't understand, but it is nothing new. Blogging has helped me connect where I sometimes feel alone.  But it is what it is. I am starting to develop a relationship with my sister which has been so nice. Lose one...gain one.

 Switching schools this year...I reflect on how hard it is to connect with a new staff when everyone is so stressed out and working so hard to help our kiddos that struggle. 79% free and reduced... our teachers work so hard, with more on our platter then ever before and plc's, i/e blocks, school improvement. It is often lonely when you are a "specialist". That feeling is new to me, but it is... what it is.  It is nice to feel like you can connect with total strangers that teach what you teach and they can relate to you. Bloggers rock!

Our oldest child is now in college and so this year, sending off one of my best friends, yes, mom and friend, was so hard. I miss her and know she is doing well, but I hope I did a good job preparing her for "adult"hood. I sometimes see me in her and worry that she needs to find joy in her life and be positive.

That my friends is my One for Me. I want to make adult connections and not feel so lonely. Sounds funny maybe, but I put everything into my children, now that they are all getting older, 17, 14, 11, besides almost 19. I want to find joy in the small things, and also be more positive.

My word for 2014 then is ...relationships. I want to make sure that not only do I connect with adults, but I want my little kiddos at school to know that I am there for them, too. Relationships with colleagues would be great, and even finding time for a bit of husband and wife time, too. This February is 20 years. WOW! I have a little niece and another little niece or nephew on the way. I want to develop a relationship with them, one that my own kids didn't have with other aunts and uncles.

Thank you bloggers for making me think about goal setting and knowing that I am not alone. We all have our little baggage. Thanks for letting me share! Happy New Year!

New Year's Resolution

I found a fun link. Makes me think of whether or not I can follow through on that resolution stuff...we shall see???!!!?? So, I am linking up with A Peach for the Teach to share my resolutions. Check out my thoughts for 2014.
Time will tell. I can't wait to hear about your resolutions, too! Happy New Year bloggers:)

Winter Olympics

The Sochi Winter Olympics start on Friday, February 7th. My oldest child will be 19 on that day. I know right...you're way to young to have a child that old.  While I had a bit of time to think about future plans I thought it would be fun to create some stations for my students as we finish up the 2nd quarter of school.
         Winter Olympics Science Stations
Happy Winter!

Christmas Questionnaire Party

It sure is nice to link up with others and get to know the blogs that I love to check out each week, as well as check out some new bloggers. Thanks for sharing a little bit about yourselves! So... here it goes...

Hot Chocolate or Eggnog? 
I LOVE hot chocolate. We live in Wisconsin, where it is cold and snowy. Let's just say it has snowed a little each day for I think weeks. It makes you feel all warm inside. We have a little station in our kitchen right now with caramel and vanilla syrup, peppermint sticks, a container of marshmallows. Yum! Forget eggnog, this year we bought Snickerdoodle Holiday Milk. Yum!

Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them underneath the tree? 
When I was little presents were always wrapped. Now, for my own four kids Santa always leaves their gifts wrapped in their own wrapping paper and a guide so they know who's is who's. 

Colored lights or white? 
White! I love how it makes me feel when just the holiday lights are on. It makes me feel all warm inside.

When do you decorate? 
This year was different. Our oldest is in college and so we waited until she was back to decorate. So, this year, December 13th. I put up the snowman collection though. 
Real or Fake Tree? 
I am allergic to the real ones and so is our dog. So for years, I  suffered through it and we cut our tree as a family as a tradition. Now, I am so lucky, I have a tree with the lights on already. I take it out of the box, it folds out, and the lights are already on. Tada. 

What Tops Your Tree?
We have an angel that we got as a gift. 

Favorite Christmas Memories or Traditions?
We have a Christmas baby...yes the 25th. So, we have a day of traditions that make her feel special about being our best Christmas gift ever. Each year, we open "santa's" gifts in the morning. Then we have Birthday Brunch. We follow that with Christmas Birthday Bingo with tons of gift cards and goofy gifts that we work as a white elephant game. We wrap up the evening with the pickle present. A German tradition that is a bit different in our house. We hide the pickle ornament and all four kids are brought it to find it. The first one  to find it gets a family gift. They hide it and then the others try until all four gifts are picked. It is pretty funny to see them all try to find the pickle. Last year, our son jumped into the tree to get the pickle from his sister. 

Do you remember your favorite gift as a child?
Who remembers the Cher doll. I loved her. The bionic woman came in at a close second. Does this date me???? I wish I had them yet. They would be antiques. 

Do prefer giving or receiving? 
My grandpa died right before Christmas. I lived with my grandma for years. After that, Christmas just wasn't the same. It is hard for me to receive gifts. I don't want anyone to spend money on me. Silly, I guess.  I would rather make others happy and see them excited. However, I just became the house that everyone comes to so I hope I "get" some help cooking next week. 
What is your favorite Christmas song? 
Baby It's Cold Outside. Did anyone see SNL's version this weekend. HAHAHA

Candy Canes. Yuck or Yum? 
I don't really love hard candy, but I like candy kisses with candy canes in them. Not totally feeling like it is a yum. We always laugh when the kids would suck the end down to make it a weapon though. 

Favorite Christmas Movie? 
We watch The Christmas Story every year. This year, our son is getting a gun for Christmas. I hope he doesn't poke his eye out. We are having him get clues based on the movie to see if he will guess what he is getting. Chinese anyone?

Do you shop online or at stores?
BOTH. But I sure would love to shop online for everything. I hate the crowds. We bought some gifts at stores earlier this season and guess who can't find those bags. Yikes.
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