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Planting A Seed...

I love what we have done for our Farm To School Garden Club. We are now done with the first 6 week course for our after school programs. So, to finish off our Garden Club right we had a tea party with mint, spearmint, chocolate mint, and pineapple mint to top off our tea...and who could go without tea sandwiches with veggies of course. We made homemade dip from our herbs and served cut veggies, too. We then finished it off with the Farm To School lesson Parts of A Plant. Next week, we will post our videos that are being placed in the libraries to pick great garden themed books. Also next week, what to do in winter...form a "winter"green club. We will be going green in another way, by getting our recycling efforts going, upcycling for the holidays, and composting waste in our worm bins! Stay tuned!

Mint tea and finger sandwiches. What a fun way to end our session!
 Yum, veggies rock and so does learning about the parts of a plant and then being able to taste them!
What can you do to make the winter go faster? Share your ideas my Farm To School Friends!

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