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Showing posts with label Two for Tuesday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Two for Tuesday. Show all posts

Two For Tuesday!

Okay...friends...you will notice that my Monday Meet Up was posted on Tuesday. I had it all written and then...my husband needed to print something for his class today. Long story short the printer wasn't working. It took until 2 AM to get it to print...then ink was out. Really people...true story. Forgive me for the late post then. So now it is Two for Tuesday and it is Tuesday! I am on it! One of my goals was to finish what I started. Ever wish that? Well, a few months ago I started a skeletal system review for my kids to put on TPT. I used it, but didn't love the lack of activities. So, yesterday morning...as the house was still sleeping and no one needed me to do a single thing...I finished my Skeletal System pack. What a great way to get it out there.

Here are my items to check out at my store. Each of these items are 50% today!

QR Code Skeletal System Review is now $1.75...great deal today. Also, as I get ready for my new lessons tomorrow in the garden, I am so glad that I made these lessons for my Wednesday Garden Day Class! Today, my  Farm To School Garden Pack is on sale for $2.00. Stop on by my store to see what I have at The Science School Yard's TPT Store.
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