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Showing posts with label currently. Show all posts
Showing posts with label currently. Show all posts

Currently December...Christmas Baby!

 What great things await this month. It's time for a bit of a break (two weeks)...time to think about Christmas present lists(all those odds and ends!) ...time for planning for a Christmas birthday...yes my second child was born on Christmas...we opened presents first then went to the hospital...Best Christmas present I ever got!!!

Thanks again to Farley over at Oh' Boy 4th Grade for hosting this blog linky!

Listening: I am a Bravo fan. I don't watch much TV, but I love watching other people and their lives. I stick to Bravo though. My daughter and I are watching Glee together on Netflix, so I watch some decent television...

Loving: That all my kids were home this week for Thanksgiving. We had time to reconnect! We got to see family each day after that, from aunts, uncles, and cousins, to my sister and her family! It was wonderful!

Thinking: I should make some quick assessments to see how my kiddos are doing now that we are half way into the second quarter.

Needing: Great deals...check...my daughter got a computer for $210 with two coupons! Hoot hoot! Now it's time to figure out if I have everything. I still need to get my sister's family, gift cards from California, and some fillers for in-laws. I have time...right?

Good luck holiday shopping...have a great holiday and vacation, and I hope you don't get any coal!


November....Currently! Turkey Time!

Wow...November already. Time for turkeys...time for a bit of a break...time to think about Christmas present lists...time for finishing quarter 1's report cards. Thanks again to Farley over at Oh' Boy 4th Grade for hosting this blog! Also...a big Thank You to Apple For The Teacher for sponsoring this month's linky!

October...the month of a very bad virus on my computer and in our house. I have been a sick for almost three weeks...yuck! I am finally able to breath through my nose and talk in class without coughing. Onto my computer virus...oh...my...gosh...it was ugly! A java upgrade virus. It took countless tries to add an anti-virus...last night was a success!

Back on track...I can finally use TPT without a gazillion popups! It is amazing! I am behind on my goals for this month...but I have an hour drive up to our cottage to clean the boats. So...

I am using every ounce of time to work on some new "stuff".

Listening...to someone in the shower means...no more quiet time in the house and...we will have to leave soon to drive up north. No Packer game today...

Loving...that the virus in me and on my computer are clearing up!

Thinking...now I need to really focus on my new products and fixing up an old one...one of my first, YIKES...it needs some help!

Needing...(I wanted to write...a new governor!) Tuesday is voting day. I already voted! But I also need to start working on Christmas lists so that I don't have to put anything on the credit card. One can hope!

Reading...magazines because I haven't had much time to read a good book...but I am writing down your titles...fellow teachers and maybe I can catch up on one this break. I have read some great picture books with my kiddos this week though...Going On A Bear Hunt...Three Billy Goats Gruff...Bird Beaks...The Cloud Book...

Happy November...my friends!


Currently October...Trick or Treat?

 Once again, it is a new month and Farley over at Oh, Boy 4th Grade is having us connect with Currently! I love to see what everyone is doing and Oh, Boy maybe even some good tricks and treats!
Listening to silence...Golden!

Loving the fall leaves and knowing they will soon be gone. Cold weather is on the way.

Thinking about how hard it is for some students academically and wishing I had some new tricks up my sleeve when there are over 7 LD students in my science room with no assistance in one class. Any tips for vocabulary retention?

Wanting Teachscape to go away...does any other state besides WI do this to their teachers? Hours of evidence that we are good teachers placed on a computer system that has many flaws is really taking away from my time spent planning, correcting, creating. Makes me sad:( 

Needing to have my whole family together...SOON! I sure miss having them all under one roof. I hope I don't have to wait until Thanksgiving to see my college kiddo.

Here are some amphibian connections I use...

Also check out this fun song and video...

Treat for you this month! Amphibian Freebie!

Hoppin over to the pond (carpet) to draw amphibians as they also hopped from lily pad to lily pad writing down facts!



It is my birthday month people...I have 16 days and then...45. That sounds SO old. I love the Currently September three trips section of Farley's Oh' Boy 4th Grade! I always think about how lucky we were as a family to have traveled with our 4 kids. We went to the Alamo, Houston, Disney 3 times, Hershey, Gettysburg, Williamsburg, South Dakota, down to Kentucky, and even Sanibel to just sit on the beach. Yes, we drove for most of them, we had 3 free tickets to Ft. Myers so we could drive to Sanibel, and we even had 6 vouchers to fly to Houston. We know how to work a deal, but now that times are a bit tighter...it is hard to help our kiddos as they are in and almost in college. Often times, we as parents, put our kids first...that is why my three trips have to deal with trips I wish I could take with my hubby. Italy, Hawaii, and for me...VEGAS! I look at all of the fun that is happening each year in Las Vegas, and as a blogger I want to be part of the amazingness! I have to go...I NEED to go. I WILL go next year!  REALLY! I continue to grow as a creator of units thanks to those of you amazing bloggers that have shared what you have learned...thank you!

Currently, I am preparing for another rain storm...covered the boat, secured the bean bag toss game...and covered with a blanket as I pretend to watch a boy movie with my boys. Happy Labor Day! May your September be full of student learning and success stories!


Currently August

I am linking up with Oh' Boy 4th Grade for Augusts Currently! I cannot believe it is AUGUST already! Where has the summer gone? I just got done with summer credits and a big energy class that was two weeks long. My two oldest are working hard to save for college so they are gone quite a bit and now my husband starts football next week. Did anyone else's summer go WAY TOO FAST? 
Now it is time to plan for the upcoming school year, finish up some TPT projects, and get my classroom ready, not to mention that school garden that is overflowing with veggies to pick. It sure is always fun to link up with Farley though!

Here is my Currently....


Wow...Currently, July

Linking up with Farley, over at Oh' Boy 4th Grade. Hope her July is smoother! I was thinking about my June.

Where has the time gone? Oh, yea we didn't finish school until June 11th. One week of College for Kids, last week baseball tournaments, and now, Viola...July is here. Where does the time go?
Here is what my family is up to...

Kid 1=going through a break up, working as a waitress to pay for college, doing alright on her new path, waiting to find a new roommate.

Kid 2=being nanny to two kiddos everyday, trying hard to pay for college, she will be a senior this year, and finding time for volleyball, softball, and her honey. Senior pictures turned out great!

Kid 3=starting a youtube channel is top on her bucket list (makeup stuff...funny how I don't wear any most days), doing her sister's face in gold sparkles, check it out...moving on to high school, wow...they are getting so big! Doing plyos to get in shape for volleyball and track.

Kid 4=9 straight days of baseball. All-stars, City Tournament, Traveling team...I am not really one of those nutty parents that over does it, but we didn't think our 11 year old would make it on the 12's team...he did and that added quite a few games. He held his own with a double and a single and batting 2nd!

As for me...

On to July. What am I currently doing?
Enjoy the 4th and your time off!

Currently June

I can not believe how busy May was. It was a blurrrr. This last weekend, my husband his assistant baseball coach hosted a three day youth baseball tournament. Funny, how being married to the coach gets you automatically signed up to be a major part of food, organizing of volunteers, and so much more. Currently, it is now JUNE!!!! I am a few days late and a dollar or so short. What else is new... My busy platter is getting a bit emptier as we wind down the busiest month of our year...good ol' May. See ya! Thanks to Farley and her blog...Oh' Boy 4th Grade I am currently enjoying some quiet time to check out some great blogs and add my to the mix.

So I have to share something...many years ago, I was nominated for the Disney Teacher of the Year Award. Yes, little ol' me here in Wisconsin. I was doing a great deal of work with my students that was unique and different...simulations, plays, and working hand in hand to teach citizenship. We did a great deal to help the Veterans and I even won the VFW Teacher of the Year. I go accommodations from our district and even won the Governor's Humanities Award. I am proud of what I did to help my students. That year...another teacher was up for that award. Maybe, you have heard of him...Ron Clark. Well, he went on to have a movie made about him...wrote some amazing books...and I pale in comparison. Do I still try to make a difference...of course. I lost my way there for a few years. Teaching wasn't the same. I stepped away from the regular classroom and starting teaching science to over 400 k-5 students. I found the passion again. Our school garden has helped me grow as a teacher! 

Cheryl at Primary Graffiti reminded me of that teacher that beat me out. I was inspired by her post. I went that day to check out his books at the library. I started reading the first book...The Essential 55. I finished it in one day. I am now on page 96 of The End of Molasses Classes. I have cried over 7 times...inspiring. I am motivated and ready to plan some great things for next year. I hope to inspire my colleagues by challenging them to read his books this summer. I will invite them to a book talk to share what we could do next school year~ I can make a difference!

As I work my way through the list...I think about the extra jobs I am doing this summer to pay my own child back...college for kids (roller coaster science)...Community Connections (gardening on Wednesdays!)...summer science institute (improving science lessons using NGSS and more...) All ways to make a few extra bucks, but also keep myself focused on kids and learning!   A win, win! 

As for my bucket list...
I have a wonderful cousin, Kathy, that lives near St. Louis. She wants us to visit and stay with her...free room and board. Lots of great summer fun things to do and cheap. Sorry...gotta pay my kid back.
Kathy and I in Minneapolis watching her daughter roller derby!
I really want to finish the Ron Clark books before summer even starts...which is next Friday. I think I can pull that one off. Then, onto thinking up some great ideas to motivate my com padres. 
Last, but not least...my sister and brother-in-law want us to meet in Milwaukee for a Brewer game. I can't believe how hard it is to find one day this summer where all 6 of my family members can do something together. We can do it. I think....
Thanks for stopping by. I am currently getting sleepy.  


Currently May!

Today, May 2nd is my son's birthday. My baby is 12. TWELVE. That is crazy. I want to thank Farley over at Oh, Boy 3rd Grade for hosting the Currently linky. I love checking out the blogs that appear each month. What inspirational teachers out there. It is quiet right now. My husband has a baseball game...as a head coach in a state that has had snow until April and rain once the snow melted, it is hard to get the games in. So, a dryer field was available so off his team went to play their game at 7 o'clock tonight. Then, our daughter at noon was told, get your uniform, we are playing a softball game tonight as well. Yikes. Two gone. Now, for our third daughter, she is babysitting. So, now I have one left and it is the birthday boy. I love how kind he is to the boys in his grade. He invited some friends over that he knew couldn't bring gifts. He wanted me to get some special gifts for his friends instead. They were so excited. After a night of nerf gun wars, hot tubbing, and legos, it is now quiet and the boys are settling down.

Tomorrow, when Matt's other family members are around...we are off to go fishing. It is opening day and I can't wait to get outside. It has rained ALL week. Let's check out what is happening Currently...

Check out her blog at  Mrs. Laffin's Laughings.

I got the TV tonight. So, it was DVR time. HGTV it was. I agree with Farley...I am good with being me at this time in my life. I feel very lucky to have my family...even if at times we don't understand each other...I am working on that...I love teaching science...I feel so lucky to go to school and feel proud of what I am accomplishing to help kids be inspired. I can't wait until all of my children are under one roof. Preparing for a new apartment for our daughter will be a fun project for us to work on together. I can't wait to see us all slow down a bit when summer approaches. I can't wait until we can plant plants in the ground and start our own family garden now that I see how amazing gardening can be! Happy May! 6 more weeks and summer break!


Currently April 3rd already!

Currently, I should be socializing with relatives, but I need to connect with  Farley over at Oh' Boy 4th Grade.

Why do I always want to do currently on the first of every month, but every time it takes me at least three days to sit down and do what I need to do. I am here in Milwaukee, finding time to link up as we share some quality time with my husband's sister and her family. Love antiquing and trying to find some treasures for my daughter's new apartment. Found a free mirror in my sister in law's garage.

Currently, I am linking up and knowing that our three hour ride will help me continue to work on my farm to school after school activities. I am also happy that my husband currently is figuring out a way to see his brother who we haven't seen in a few years. It makes me happy currently.

I am also currently interested to see when everyone is done with school and what time everyone starts and ends there day. I hope that those of you out there that are on vacation this week are enjoying your days off. Vacation sure is going by fast.

Happy April. I was hoping March would go out like a lamb...but the lion is still roaring loud here in Wisconsin. Wish I was somewhere warm, but currently I am toasty inside.

It Is Currently December

I love the first of the month when we can once again add our Currently to the list of amazing blogs. I love seeing how many Currently posts already on December 2nd. What an amazing weekend. I loved the break! It couldn't have been any better! I loved seeing family I haven't seen in quite a while. It is always amazing playing catch up. I painted my childrens' bathroom, watched 19 episodes of Revenge on Couch Tuner with my oldest daughter, went to lunch with my girls, read some magazines, planned for my long list of things to do before Christmas and even found time to relax! Currently I am ...

Happy Holidays!

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