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Only One You!

I love books! I love taking a picture book and sharing it in science class. I love making connections to learning. Thanks to Mrs. Jump's Class Blog her linky is a great way to talk about books! I found this great book that I am using in Science to tie our garden into our students' self esteem.

I have the book Only One You by Linda Kranz.

This book, my friends is all about being your own person. The parents in the book at one point share... “Blend in when you need to. Stand out when you have the chance,” and, “Find your own way. You don’t have to follow the crowd.”

They also share... that it is okay to be unique and to follow your dreams. What a powerful message to give our students.
Here is a link to some Only One You Lesson Ideas. Another fun idea comes from Create Art With Me.

I went to Lake Michigan during spring break in the bitter cold to collect some rock beauties! Can't wait to do this project this summer with my community connections groups. I already used some of the rocks with my after school class as they made painted rock veggie markers.
My little troopers helping me pick rocks...Winter Coats during spring break...brrrr!

Currently June

I can not believe how busy May was. It was a blurrrr. This last weekend, my husband his assistant baseball coach hosted a three day youth baseball tournament. Funny, how being married to the coach gets you automatically signed up to be a major part of food, organizing of volunteers, and so much more. Currently, it is now JUNE!!!! I am a few days late and a dollar or so short. What else is new... My busy platter is getting a bit emptier as we wind down the busiest month of our year...good ol' May. See ya! Thanks to Farley and her blog...Oh' Boy 4th Grade I am currently enjoying some quiet time to check out some great blogs and add my to the mix.

So I have to share something...many years ago, I was nominated for the Disney Teacher of the Year Award. Yes, little ol' me here in Wisconsin. I was doing a great deal of work with my students that was unique and different...simulations, plays, and working hand in hand to teach citizenship. We did a great deal to help the Veterans and I even won the VFW Teacher of the Year. I go accommodations from our district and even won the Governor's Humanities Award. I am proud of what I did to help my students. That year...another teacher was up for that award. Maybe, you have heard of him...Ron Clark. Well, he went on to have a movie made about him...wrote some amazing books...and I pale in comparison. Do I still try to make a difference...of course. I lost my way there for a few years. Teaching wasn't the same. I stepped away from the regular classroom and starting teaching science to over 400 k-5 students. I found the passion again. Our school garden has helped me grow as a teacher! 

Cheryl at Primary Graffiti reminded me of that teacher that beat me out. I was inspired by her post. I went that day to check out his books at the library. I started reading the first book...The Essential 55. I finished it in one day. I am now on page 96 of The End of Molasses Classes. I have cried over 7 times...inspiring. I am motivated and ready to plan some great things for next year. I hope to inspire my colleagues by challenging them to read his books this summer. I will invite them to a book talk to share what we could do next school year~ I can make a difference!

As I work my way through the list...I think about the extra jobs I am doing this summer to pay my own child back...college for kids (roller coaster science)...Community Connections (gardening on Wednesdays!)...summer science institute (improving science lessons using NGSS and more...) All ways to make a few extra bucks, but also keep myself focused on kids and learning!   A win, win! 

As for my bucket list...
I have a wonderful cousin, Kathy, that lives near St. Louis. She wants us to visit and stay with her...free room and board. Lots of great summer fun things to do and cheap. Sorry...gotta pay my kid back.
Kathy and I in Minneapolis watching her daughter roller derby!
I really want to finish the Ron Clark books before summer even starts...which is next Friday. I think I can pull that one off. Then, onto thinking up some great ideas to motivate my com padres. 
Last, but not least...my sister and brother-in-law want us to meet in Milwaukee for a Brewer game. I can't believe how hard it is to find one day this summer where all 6 of my family members can do something together. We can do it. I think....
Thanks for stopping by. I am currently getting sleepy.  

Last Week Lessons

To wrap up our school year, I am planning science lessons with some themes in mind. My first one that I worked on is the 5th graders. I wanted to send them to middle school knowing that they have great POTENTIAL! What better then to tie our simple machines unit to our roller coaster after school unit. This time, I shared with them the definitions of kinetic and potential energy. I gave them blocks, plates, tape, scissors, and a marble...as well as their potential to build great things. We are awarding prizes for longest, tallest, fastest, workable... Here is a start of our roller coaster challenge...
Using blocks to build a tall roller coaster...

Using blocks to slow the passengers down...

Better yet...teamwork to get the job done!

Our third graders have finished their sound unit, so I am working on renewable, non-renewable, and alternative energy. We are building solar ovens out of pizza boxes next week. This week a little background. 
I included my sheets on a previous post. 

Our 2nd graders are learning about biodiversity. Yes, I used a little video to set up the vocabulary, but who doesn't love Bill Nye???
We followed it up with an activity sheet from my plant unit on habitats. The kids are really showing that they know what an ecosystem is, what habitat is, and even what biodiversity means. We then went outside to see the biodiversity in our school garden. 

Firsties are learning about ants. We make a chart to show what ants need, are, can...we follow it up with a bit of Ms. Frizzle....
We then start to think of the point of view of the ant. We go outside in the garden to check out the ants living in our garden habitat. We watch for foragers and guards, and how they do their jobs. We follow up with a sheet I found, check it this great post and freebie from Fall Into First. I love the little art project that goes with it and love to read the book Thinking About Ants by Barbara Brenner. It really shows point of view. 

Kindergartners are counting in the garden as well as planting a rainbow of swiss chard seeds. These little ones love planting and being outside...who doesn't?  First we read the book Counting in The Garden followed by us counting what we see outside. We saw 1 green strawberry! Two yellow flowers on our zucchini, Nine cabbage plants! Four tomato plants! We added and subtracted for a fun math lesson outside. 
Let's plant swiss chard! One seed, two seeds, three....

Seeds are different and the same! This pea seed is round and big compared to our swiss chard seed! We are looking forward to counting and eating red, orange, yellow, white, and purple swiss chard!

We are counting down people...snow has kept us here until next Thursday. I see an end in sight, but I know just as well as you us teachers don't stop do we? We are planning, reading, taking classes and so much more! Enjoy your break!

Solar Energy Activities

We have T-Minus 9 1/2 days and counting. I have been trying to figure out what to do with my 3rd graders for the next week and a half. So, let's move from Sound Energy to wind and solar power. So, let's harness the sun! We are cooking some marshmallows up using the sun's energy. Here are the sheets I am using along with an amazing video...
                 Solar Energy Lesson and Worksheet

Wish they didn't use the word freakin', but it is an amazing use of solar power...We are also making a list of how we harness energy using some great sheets I got from the Science Penguin.

The sun will come out tomorrow...bet your bottom dollar... the weekend is almost here!

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