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We Love Books!

Thanks again to Mrs. Jump's Class for hosting this linky party! I have been checking out a ton of books this summer. I found a fun one for our olders that is timely. We are learning about pollination and the decline of the bee population in our garden club. We are also looking for ways that our four and fifth graders can tie reading, writing, and science together. This book, is a great resource for students to understand and then take a stance on the issues that are presented.

Here is a bee freebie for you!  I also have a great site for tons of lessons and ideas that I found as I was researching! Check it out at: Pollinator.org

Bee Freebie
It's July...Bee happy!

Monday Made It...Berry Pickin' Time

I am glad to meet up with you and share what we have been making. Thanks to Tara at 4th Grade Frolics for hosting this linky!

This is one of our favorite times of year, berry pickin' time. Every summer, our family goes strawberry picking and this year is no exception. We caught wind of a local berry farm that was selling their berries for $1.00 a pound. I know...right...cheap! It was weedy. It was mosquitoey. It was a bit harder than normal, but for $1 a pound, I am not complaining. We bought 11 pounds and went back for more.

With all this "hull"abaloo, we made a strawberry rhubarb upside down pie, YUM! We made a strawberry rhubarb pie, double YUM! YUM! Then we made freezer jam. With a child  apartment bound with homemade jam, who could resist having that in their freezer?

                                 Here is a Monday made it recipe that we made this weekend...

Rhubarb Cake
1 box yellow cake mix...mix as directed.
Pour into 9 x 13 pan.. Put 3 cups of rhubarb on top of the batter. Add 1 cup of sugar. Next, pour 1 pint of whipping cream over all of it. Bake as directed or a bit longer.

This cake forms an upside down cake that is soooo moist. Enjoy your Monday! I am glad we made it!

Monday, Meet Up

It has been a long week in many ways. My son has played baseball everyday since last Tuesday and won't be done until tomorrow. He is in the state tournament for Minor League and so the holiday week will allow some much needed rest. (I guess I am thankful for that! It is also our favorite holiday!) With that being said, those of you bloggers with older children, my oldest just went through a break up this week. I know she will be fine, but now it just plain stinks! This meet up puts things into perspective though. We all have a lot to be thankful for! Sometimes we forget that. I love my job, so finishing so late wasn't so bad, but wow I have only had off for this being my second week and it is July PEOPLE! Yikes. Time flies. Anyhoo...Glad to meet ya!

Today, the theme is three things to be thankful for! Thanks for meeting up with me!

Book Talk Tuesday, on Friday

Yikes....time flies when your having fun! Went to the pool yesterday with my son, and today I went to school where it was nice and quiet...no summer school classes on Friday! I just came back from the energy fair and so my mind is on how to add an energy component to my science classrooms in some way. I figure that we could probably add a bit of energy science into our fourth grade curriculum as we continue to add more emphasis on the NGSS science standards. That...my friends...is now on my summer bucket list. Energy. Take a look a the great book I found to guide me and the resources I bought at the event. So, thanks Deanna for this fun linky!

The Shocking Truth About Energy by Loreen Leedy

Solar bugs, solar cell with motors, and even UV sun detectors! Stations, here we come!

Simple reading and fun pictures!

Easy to copy and place at a station for kids to read and take notes!

I hope I have the ENERGY to do this next week!
It is always fun to find a good book that excites you about Science! This one did.

Worksheet Wednesday...It's Raining It's Pouring

So, I am sitting here looking out the window and thinking...what to do....what to do...with my garden class today. Obviously, we can not go out in the thunder and plant, weed, and pick. Plan B...worms! I have over 5 bins of worms that I can have the kiddos learn from. I am pulling one of my favorite worm books...

I will be using the worms with our littles and using a free worksheet download from First Grade Blue Skies...Worm Day, but for my bigs I will be using some gardening activities that allow for some taste testing. Here is the sheet I will be using with them today.

Playing "ketchup" Freebie

Wish me luck with 60 students indoors...out of the rain... Stop on by other school yards for great freebies at
 The Teaching Tribune

Two For Tuesday!

Okay...friends...you will notice that my Monday Meet Up was posted on Tuesday. I had it all written and then...my husband needed to print something for his class today. Long story short the printer wasn't working. It took until 2 AM to get it to print...then ink was out. Really people...true story. Forgive me for the late post then. So now it is Two for Tuesday and it is Tuesday! I am on it! One of my goals was to finish what I started. Ever wish that? Well, a few months ago I started a skeletal system review for my kids to put on TPT. I used it, but didn't love the lack of activities. So, yesterday morning...as the house was still sleeping and no one needed me to do a single thing...I finished my Skeletal System pack. What a great way to get it out there.

Here are my items to check out at my store. Each of these items are 50% today!

QR Code Skeletal System Review is now $1.75...great deal today. Also, as I get ready for my new lessons tomorrow in the garden, I am so glad that I made these lessons for my Wednesday Garden Day Class! Today, my  Farm To School Garden Pack is on sale for $2.00. Stop on by my store to see what I have at The Science School Yard's TPT Store.

Monday Meet Up

Well, I have been working hard to make the most of my vacation. It just started! I taught a college for kids class last week, so I am finally on break. It is fun to get to know other blogger teachers out there! Can't wait to meet some of you as I read your posts. Thanks to The Teaching Tribune for this fun linky!

Here is a little bit about me...background, school, family life!
I have quite an extensive to do list. I want to make the most of every day. I am helping my oldest daughter paint and fix up some used and gently loved furniture. I was hoping that every Monday I could show you on Monday Made It, but time flies when the DIY list is so big. I am truly inspired by you amazing teachers out there that have me pushing myself...both making new products and working on things around the house.

On my list this summer, is to build my knowledge of science and how I can add to our FOSS science kits. This weekend, I took a one credit class at the Energy Fair in Wisconsin. It was amazing! I walked away with a ton of information. From composting to sustainability, seed saving to solar energy in the classroom, it truly was a learning experience. I even won a prize!
The energy fair was held in a big open field near Central WI energy center

Look what I won! Over a $50 kit...I felt SO lucky! Can't wait to test it out with my son!

Bought these cool solar bug kits from Brown Dog Gadgets. He gave me a zillion new ideas to try this next year!

Learned about vermicomposting and how to make worm tea! This is how we can package our own castings! 

Our power company had an educator session on solar energy...this activity was fun. Can you get a sunburn when the sun isn't out? Can solar energy work through materials? Inspiring!

Went to a ton of vendor sites. I got my neck measured for issues. See all the red? I had a migraine that day. I am a mess!

Just a little about me here in Wisconsin! Glad you stopped by! Enjoy your summer and I hope you get some of your bucket list items checked off! I need an adventure with my family...any ideas on a budget?

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