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Showing posts with label trees. Show all posts
Showing posts with label trees. Show all posts

Falling Into STEM

My 2nd graders just got done with their air and weather unit. I wanted to do something fun with them so I chose one of my STEM activities out of my new STEM Fall Into Thanksgiving Pack. I did this with older kids last week and I gave them more supplies. This week I tried it with littles and fewer materials made better trees. I love how they problem solved after we drew the parts of a tree in our notebooks and labeled the parts a tree has...

Take a look at their tree creations...
This tree's branches were sagging. I asked them what kind of tree it would be...we agreed either a tree knocked over by a tornado or a weeping willow.

This group struggled...but on their final attempt....the acorns and pine cones sat on top. They told me that the branches were together and didn't spread out.

I love how they started using the parts of the tree to describe what they still needed to include!

My two buddies on this STEM team started building a forest! They were able to make two and they were so proud of themselves!
The part I liked best is that I could let my students work on a quick and easy activity during this fall season. I am handing off the supplies and a fun book to my first and third grade friends for next week's first Paw celebration!

If you interested in this or 3 other STEM activities for Fall and Thanksgiving check out this pack!

Here is a treat for you...leave me a comment...I never get them...and I will pick one lucky winner to receive this pack for free!

"Tree"mendous Book Finds

I am so excited to be working on perfecting my tree unit for my younger kiddos. As a science teacher, I am always looking for ways to help my classroom teachers incorporate what we are learning in science. So, in our school garden there are a great number of trees, stumps, and bushes to learn in our outdoor classroom.

Today, I am linking up with Mrs. Jump's Class for Book Talk Tuesday. I found some great tree books that I will be using this year that I will share with you today, but my favorite that I found is ...

I love, LOVE Gail Gibbons' books. This one is pretty comprehensive. It does a great job with vocabulary, for my youngers I will skim and share pictures, but for the olders it is rich with information and packed with ideas.
Not only vocabulary and background knowledge, but fun ideas too!

I also am using this fun video to start my tree/plant activities this fall...

Great video for starting your unit! I also made A FUN FALL UNIT that I will be using with my kiddos this fall. Here is a freebie from that pack...
                             "Tree"mendous Freebie

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