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Measuring Up In The Garden

It is that time of year, harvest time and a bit of frost coming our way, however that doesn't stop us from getting out in the garden with kids. Today, our third graders practiced measuring in the garden after...OMG...first off learning that a ruler isn't for weighing things. Yes...my friends...starting from ground level ZERO. Well, I guess all we can do is go up from there. I first created stations for the indoors. Did I tell you that I have a smartboard! I put up the stations on the smartboard and they wrote their answers down after checking their partner's work.

Station 1: Length...measuring with a ruler, measuring with the metric system, and practicing measuring scissors, markers, and our pencil box.

Station 2: Weight...measuring in grams the scissors, markers, and an item that fits in the cup.

Station 3: Volume...measuring in ml 25 ml, 50 ml, and 32 ml.

Now, out to the garden to practice length, weight, and volume.

length...the circumference of our pumpkins and tomatoes.
Tomatoes...our September Harvest of the Month

weight...10 cherry tomatoes in grams

Volume...40 ml of water to water a plant.

A garden of knowledge was happening today! Measuring up is our goal. Next week, a quick quiz and then back to our garden. Active learning is where it is at. You can not believe the retention of information in our outdoor classroom!

Peek At My Week

Well, another year has successfully started! I am excited about the new and endless possiblilities with my new Encore staff members. We have to PLC with our "specialists" in music, PE, art, science, and library and we have two new ladies that joined our team! How exciting to get to plan new events and share ideas! Here is a peek at my week thanks to Mrs. Laffin's Laughings...

This week in Kindergarten...

Kindergarten in the garden...being scientists!
I am teaching what is science. Really, they do not know. The are so little. We read the book and then went outside in the school garden to observe and be scientists with hand lenses. We shared what we could learn on our chart. With only 30 minutes it goes by quickly.

1st graders...
Are learning what a scientist is. We read Everyone Is A Scientist and shared the power point from Kindergarten, Kindergarten which is a great first start. We also made a web to show what scientists could learn, went out in

the garden to investigate, and then finished with a picture of what we would want to study as a scientist. Next week, being zoologists.
Firsties finding animals in the garden...animal unit to follow next week...

2nd graders...
We started off with learning about air with our FOSS unit so we started talking about science is all around us even if we can't see it. We discussed what scientists do to learn...by asking questions, forming a hypothesis (I think), conducting experiments, making observations, and then coming to a conclusion. We used the FOSS air bags to test how air takes up space and air moves things. We finished off with a balloon send off.
Air is matter. Air takes up space. Air moves things. 

3rd graders...
We started off our year with measurement so that they will be ready for our Earth Materials unit. We started off with a smartboard presentation on measurement in customary standard unit. Then, we worked on why scientists use the metric system. We practiced using a ruler and measuring in cm. We finished off with a sheet from the Science Penguin that shares how scientists use tools that keep them safe, help them observe, and help them measure. We followed that sheet with a decimeter scavenger hunt in our garden.

4th and 5th graders...
We started off with discussing the scientific process and what that would look like now that they are "big" kids at school. We practiced the process by teams working together to save Fred. I got this great idea from Smart Chick on Teachers Pay Teachers. The kids love this! As they finish up they work on the sheet that is included and then the scientific process science notebook sheet. Great start to the new school year!
Saving Fred! Working as a team! Learning the Scientific Process!

Fred just might be saved! 
It has been a great first week so far. Now, if it could stop raining so we can get outside tomorrow...life would be perfect!


It is my birthday month people...I have 16 days and then...45. That sounds SO old. I love the Currently September three trips section of Farley's Oh' Boy 4th Grade! I always think about how lucky we were as a family to have traveled with our 4 kids. We went to the Alamo, Houston, Disney 3 times, Hershey, Gettysburg, Williamsburg, South Dakota, down to Kentucky, and even Sanibel to just sit on the beach. Yes, we drove for most of them, we had 3 free tickets to Ft. Myers so we could drive to Sanibel, and we even had 6 vouchers to fly to Houston. We know how to work a deal, but now that times are a bit tighter...it is hard to help our kiddos as they are in and almost in college. Often times, we as parents, put our kids first...that is why my three trips have to deal with trips I wish I could take with my hubby. Italy, Hawaii, and for me...VEGAS! I look at all of the fun that is happening each year in Las Vegas, and as a blogger I want to be part of the amazingness! I have to go...I NEED to go. I WILL go next year!  REALLY! I continue to grow as a creator of units thanks to those of you amazing bloggers that have shared what you have learned...thank you!

Currently, I am preparing for another rain storm...covered the boat, secured the bean bag toss game...and covered with a blanket as I pretend to watch a boy movie with my boys. Happy Labor Day! May your September be full of student learning and success stories!


Tuesday is the first day of  school. I am so excited to see the kiddos again. I have been in my classroom for the second year, so this year I made it a bit more of my own. I am getting things lined up for the new school year.  I am using some great TPT. I have also worked super hard to make some of my own lessons to go with our FOSS units. I am set with my trusty activities for my Kinders.
I am using this wonderful book and then a drawing of us as scientists. You really need this one...it is a great intro to what is science...
We will also make a great graphic organizer to send with the kinders to their rooms!

Now, onto first grade...I am going to be taking the next step...what is a scientist. I have been working hard to create a new unit that works with our animal unit, but this unit fits more in line to the new NGSS science standards. We typically use the five vertebrates and do some fun arts and crafts, but we need to really step it up. I will be publishing my Animal Adaptations unit soon, I am going to test it out myself first. Here is a freebie.

                               Animal Adaptations Freebie
I am going to be using this sheet with the fun book, Are You My Mother?

For my third graders, we start our year with measurement. I still have to make my mock rocks, people, but it doesn't stop us from measuring in the garden. Yes, the garden. First, however...we will be learning to measure in the room. That seems to be something our kiddos forget. I am using some great sheets from the Science Penguin.

As for our 4th and 5th graders, I am working on team building and working together to persevere over a hard experiment. This is what we are doing...thanks to the Smart Chick I am using Can You Save Fred? It's a freebie. Yea!

So, there you have it...my week in a nut shell. If you want to know what I have been doing last week, well trying hard to finish my summer projects, some TPT units. Here is a peek...
This is what I am starting after our first week with my kinders. I am so excited! Force and Motion on TPT
My kinders will follow with a five senses unit...5 Senses Science on TPT... then....

We will finish up with Weather and Climate. I think I now have the new NGSS science standards covered.
Weather and Climate

I am working on finishing my variable unit to add to my FOSS lessons. My goal is next week so that I can use it. It is good to goal set. I learned that from some great TPT authors. Wish me luck on my start of the new school year. The pressure is on to improve our test scores...so October's focus will be on our 4th graders studying for the WKCE tests.

Happy Labor Day!

Tailgating Tales...Go, Pack, Go!

I was a young girl of 16 the last time I went to a Packer game. I remember how cold it was way back when... however Friday, I got to go to another Packer game 28 years later. This time, I got to go with my son who has never been to a game yet and he is a BIG Packer Fan and loves to play football, and my 14 year old daughter and my dear husband.

 My oldest, knows someone with a skybox that couldn't use the tickets, so let's just say we went high class. No lines at the bathroom, free popcorn for us, and air conditioned room.   It is a tradition to start off by tailgating. We headed in for the game...which we WON! Went to the rooftop to look out over the field, amazing view! We even finished off the night with a little PDA. He held my hand!

Our two youngest...tailgating before the game...Packer Tradition!

A few goodies before the game! Grillin' and Chillin'

This was how close our parking spot was! It is good to know people!

From our box seats...indoors...I have to say outside is where the action is at though...but I am NOT complaining...we ended our summer well!
Good times! Good times! Now...back to school next week. My days are numbered!

Science School Yard Room Reveal

Today, I am blog hoppin'. I have been in my room this week to get it ready. We start next week, with kids back after Labor Day. I am still waiting for a bulletin board. It was removed to make way for TECHNOLOGY! Someone snatched up my board so now they need to order a new one for me.

This last week, I got a new smartboard. I am so excited. I look at all of your classrooms and I have to say they are AMAZING! Our school is the biggest elementary school in our district. I have over 22 sections of science. With that being said, we do not have enough rooms to go around. My room, is the former teachers' lounge. It is quite small, but it is better than any card and I have made it my own. I am still waiting for a bulletin board, but here is my science room, it fits us all...

I got some great ideas from other TPT teachers. Thanks to Ashley Hughes for the welcome banner turned Science banner!

I love Holly Rachel's Science Experiment Posters. You can see them over my NEW used smartboard.

I am also trying something new with my littles...I downloaded and added a behavior clip chart by Crystal McGinnis Outer Space and Alien Themed Clip Chart. Great idea that I think will work wonders for them!

I love the blog and products from  Teachers are Terrific. This engineering design process is great for K-5 and I have them up in my room too!
Here is another shot at some more angles of my room. We were told that anything hanging from the ceiling need to be taken down due to fire code changes this year. Waaah.
The door to my outdoor classroom...our school garden!

Nothing hanging from the ceiling...didn't say we couldn't now put things on the wall. I still have to add a saying, but it is a start!

No more hanging numbers for groups...table numbers on the tables.

Storage solutions in a small room...go UP!

I have six tables in my small little room. This is a picture from the door. Let's just say...it's better than Science on a cart!

So here is my little science room for over 400 students at my school. It works. Can't wait to get some great ideas from other rooms on this linky! 

Back To School Boost

Everyone could use a boost at one time or another. So, today is your lucky day! Today, TPT and my store is having a 20% off sale! Everything in my store is 20% off!!!!

Lots of great new products this season. Check out some of this summer's creations...
This unit took some Energy to create this unit. Two classes later, I created this unit for our 4/5 multi-age that already had our FOSS kits. So, why not use NGSS science standards and FOSS to create a unit for them!

A little something for my 4th graders...QR Code Skeletal System Review for our human body unit! My kids love QR codes, scoot games, and computer connections. This pack has it all!

Leaf It To Fall Science Pack Great for our next season of learning!

Whales...our third graders are focusing on this as a classroom unit to integrate into their school day. This was a fun collaborative effort to help our students gain reading and writing skills through science.

Force And Motion: Directions In Science

This unit is going to be for my kinders and their teachers. I can't wait to have them experiment with directions in science and then go back to their rooms to work on science in the classroom! 

 Apple Time Science  for Intermediate Classrooms! Apples aren't just for littles...how Appealing!

We have loads of apples on my aunt's tree and boy when it comes to apple pickin' time we will be busy, and so will my kiddos at school...learning about science with apples!

These are just a few of my new units. I also have a new unit...Bubbles, Bubbles, Bubbles...and a new and improved Popcorn Science Unit. I am still working on a Variable unit for my 5th graders as well as a Weather and Temperature unit to add to our kindergarten curriculum. Thanks for supporting me. TPT has made me a better teacher...I can't wait to use my new packs and I hope you enjoy them too! Happy Back to School Everyone!

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