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Christmas Conversation

I am linking up with Babbling Abby over at the Inspired Apple to have a little Christmas Conversation!

How fun to have a little conversation among blogging friends...
Happy Holidays, Bloggers! I hope your Christmas is filled with family, fun, and peace!

Engineering Connections Towers and Coasters

This week, I used two great picture books to tie in science and engineering...and presto...bammo...
two new freebies for you! I read the book, set the mood and tone of the project...even went on a coaster ride with kiddos...both projects were FAB...U...LOUS! Check out my Science School Yard TPT Store for both sets today!

In the meantime...check them out in action!
They are on a roller coaster ride...once done they saw the ride as a bystander...one little asked..."Is that us on there?"
Roller coasters go up, down, fast, and change directions!

Our art teacher made these last week and we both read the story! What a cool connection!

The sheet in action.
Noodle Towers....

Paper Towers...


Tall Towers!!!

FOSS...Radiology and Medical School!

Our fourth graders are learning the human body unit and it is lesson two...the bone puzzle. This can be hmmmm how do I put it....not quite engaging enough or long enough for an hour...

So....let's continue to encourage all of kiddos to pursue college...maybe a radiology technician, CNA, RA, doctor...Why is it so important for people to know their bones? What if a doctor wasn't sure what bone was where? Or if a family member needed help figuring out what was broken? If someone didn't know their femur from their humerus...well misdiagnosis.

One of the many X-rays we used to look at the bones of the body...carpels, metacarpals, ulna, radius...  
Working on the bone puzzle...

The finished skeletal system! 

Check out how we started our lesson...with Xrays! We each got an X-ray and the kiddos used their skeletal bone sheet to figure out what they were looking at.

Sometimes...it was a real puzzle...in goes the FOSS puzzle activity. We followed up with...a small skeletal system cutout for us to label on the back and study from.

Skeleton Pattern for Kids

Skeletal System and Bone links, games, and more...

Great Learn the Skeletal System Game

Hope you enjoy the "bone"us activities, videos, and links!

HoHoHoliday Fun

I am planning away for the next week of science lessons and into the last week of school before Christmas Break!!!!!

I am thinking a little holly and a bit of jolly should be in the works...

 Last year, I had my 4th and 5th graders working on my Christmas Holiday Science Pack ! I can't wait for the fun to begin. They love science stations and in one hour they seem to be able to get to each one!

I also made a pack for my littles to have fun with in science and in their classrooms!

You can find  Winter/ Christmas Stations at my TPT store! Happy Holidays!

So Predictable...Those Kinders

Our kinders are working on setting up experiments to test their predictions...so here is there little ditty...to the song High Ho The Dairy-O. A prediction is a guess, a prediction is a guess...high ho the dairy-o A prediction is a guess.

They LOVED it. We predicted where our car would land on a yardstick. Our partner marked the spot and we tried to "push" the car to the spot. Then we predicted if a big hill would make our car go faster. We marked our graph with a sticky tab, then I demonstrated big hills and small hills. We saw the outcome. Then...the kinder kiddos got to set up the same experiment. The finished with a race between the partners...predict who will go farther...Science is FUN!

Predicting where the car will be pushed reinforces number recognition!

Reviewing push and pull through experimentation!
A big hill makes our cars go farther!!!!

I use the sheets for the kiddos from my Force and Motion Pack!

Check out this fun link for push and pull review...

Currently December...Christmas Baby!

 What great things await this month. It's time for a bit of a break (two weeks)...time to think about Christmas present lists(all those odds and ends!) ...time for planning for a Christmas birthday...yes my second child was born on Christmas...we opened presents first then went to the hospital...Best Christmas present I ever got!!!

Thanks again to Farley over at Oh' Boy 4th Grade for hosting this blog linky!

Listening: I am a Bravo fan. I don't watch much TV, but I love watching other people and their lives. I stick to Bravo though. My daughter and I are watching Glee together on Netflix, so I watch some decent television...

Loving: That all my kids were home this week for Thanksgiving. We had time to reconnect! We got to see family each day after that, from aunts, uncles, and cousins, to my sister and her family! It was wonderful!

Thinking: I should make some quick assessments to see how my kiddos are doing now that we are half way into the second quarter.

Needing: Great deals...check...my daughter got a computer for $210 with two coupons! Hoot hoot! Now it's time to figure out if I have everything. I still need to get my sister's family, gift cards from California, and some fillers for in-laws. I have time...right?

Good luck holiday shopping...have a great holiday and vacation, and I hope you don't get any coal!

Cyber Monday...and Tuesday Sale

It is Cyber Monday...and Tuesday on TPT! Check out my store for great deals on all my products! Don't forget at the check out you will receive an extra bonus if you use the code TPTCYBER!
Have fun shopping...Start by clicking Here To Go To My TPT Store!
Happy December!
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