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The Sunday Scoop

Phewww...a big sigh of relief, my formal observation is done. Check. My farm to school harvest of the month activity is done and butter was successfully made. Check. I am sitting here in a quiet...yes quiet hotel room. Check. Life is good. Time to reflect and plan for the week ahead! There are some wonderful teachers over at Teaching Trio that love to link up...Thursday are fun and so is the Sunday Scoop.

Here's the scoop...

Okay...Linky buddies...can't wait to see what your week holds, too! But...now I am off to another volleyball tournament! Enjoy your Sunday...but I have to scoot!

Currently...Late To The Party!

Do you ever have those weeks...where they all blend together...because you have WAAAAYYYYY to much going on? Running for kids, planning for observations, grades, yada, yada, yada...Well, the last four weeks have been like that. A blur! So...I am late to the party! Farley, Over at Oh, Boy 4th Grade is hosting the monthly linky party, Currently!  It is the 7th day of February...my oldest daughter's 20th birthday...and I am currently sitting in a hotel room again.

Loving: What a great testament to parenting when your child thanks you for how you raised them! It makes me cry just thinking about how beautiful that note was today. All four of my kiddos...amazingly awesome...kind...hard working...what every parent wants! I feel so lucky!

Needing: I have never grown microgreens before...but hey...being the School Garden Gal, we should try it! Over 1/2 of all of our 4th and 5th graders are willing to give up their recess to learn and grow winter greens. Wow! How awesome is that. Stay tuned the next two weeks for updates on our indoor gardening project!  Gardening has helped me grow into a better teacher...watching how it has also changed our students' point of view of healthier food choices...and the life skills of gardening...are priceless.

Here is the north...we get "cabin fever"...so we need to get our kiddos excited! Butter making...lunch taste testing...growing microgreens...has made this school garden gal busy...but not too busy to connect with my blogger buddies!

Liquid to Solid...Buttering It Up!

This week, we combined the our FOSS science unit...Solids and Liquids into a fun Farm to School connection! Our 2nd graders learned how to make butter! I first ask the kiddos how milk gets to the store. Then, we show the vimeo video The Milk Maker from the Reading Rainbow found at http://vimeo.com/6240198.  After we watch up to 20 minutes and the cow says "Moo", we stop to work on our sheet that I made.. in my Milk Makers: Let's Make Butter Pack.

This is the poster I made to do a writing project with...How to make butter!

Our Cow Craftity...to add to our recipe writing project!

7-10 minutes is all it takes!
Fresh butter is YUMMY!

Here is all you need to make a liquid into a solid. An udderly fun activity!
Tomorrow...the butter is getting used in our harvest of the month activity...why wheat bread is better for you than white bread...and which tastes better on it...butter or margerine? Stay tuned...

Warning...Be Careful At The Beach

On my last post...I shared a freebie test with you. I am warning you right now...You never know what you can find at the beach... I first marked it wrong...I was shocked...then I realized he was right you can find some really nasty things at the beach...have a good laugh on me!

Sunday Scoop...Out of Commission

Have you ever felt that life has taken you out of commission? For the last four weekends I have NOT slept in my own bed. What we don't do for our children...my youngest daughter...my freshman...is on a traveling volleyball team. We have been to Milwaukee, the Dells, Point, and now my hubby...wanted to go up north to relax....yikes. I really have to get home if you know what I mean. What's for dinner next week is on my mind...my Farm to School Presentation is done...posting my new items when I left my camera at home doesn't help....

 but I have been also too busy getting my daughter's presents ready (I am doing an apartment redo for her boyfriend, and I am throwing in a few surprises for her, too she will be 20 in a week...so it is a double fun treat...time flies!)

 I have been busy making a farm video for my kiddos who will be making butter next week, as we are in the liquids and solids unit! Going to a local farm was amazing! Can't wait to finish it up to share!

I have been busy catching up on laundry and house clean up because of being gone...and not to mention report cards are due this Wednesday.

Sorry...I haven't blogged in two weeks, but funny thing is...I have relaxed on the weekends in a hotel room with my daughter! Catching up, talking, laughing, sharing, watching movies, sitting in the hot tub! This weekend, alone, I have sat on pinterest for hours looking up....random finds. It is good to take a break from school at times, and just breath. Try it sometime. The laundry can wait...

So, here is the scoop...I linked up with  The Teaching Trio for the Sunday Scoop and thought I would get back in the blogging game. I missed it for my two week hiatus.

Have a great last week of January! It is snowball making weather...I think it might be time to build a snowman! 

Beach Week In Wisconsin

It has been a bit cold this last week. We are on a rock unit so... let's visit the beach and learn about how sand is made. Cue the luau music...

Beautiful Hawaiian Beaches for my kiddos to see...

And in the background...the sounds of the beach... lots of great calming seas sounds on youtube!

We make a list of all of the things that you can find or do at the beach. We watch the video and see how close we were. I then talk about sand. I read a great book that really focuses on how sand is made...how it is different colors and why...and how rocks are broken down. This book, and the stations help create a quiz for next week...

I use my sheets from my Pebbles, Sand, and Silt Pack to add to what we are learning about sand.

..as well as this fun sand art project...

Give kiddos some sand and some shells and pretend your at the beach when outside it is -25 degrees and you have instant jubilation! Here is our little art project!

Martin Luther King Jr SCIENCE!

It is another cold day here in Wisconsin and we have only been back for one day so far. We have been off two days due to the cold -40 degree temperature. I have had some time now to create some different and unique science activities that I can't wait to have my teachers use!

Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday is a time when we celebrate diversity, resilience, freedom, rights and so much more. What a great opportunity to teach the history...but what about integrating it into science? It should never be a black and white issue...It should be an equality issue. I made some activities based on Dr. King's quotes and integrated it into science lessons based on energy, color, and light...with a spin on black vs. white. Tell me what you think...
Now...more than ever we need to take moments and opportunities to teach about what Martin wanted for all people...

Peace my friends!

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