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Measuring Up The First Day Back!

What a great first day of school. Working with every Kindergarten-fifth grader in our school is amazing. It may be a bit of juggling as I transition from a 5th grade class that is followed right away...not a minute between by a first grade, but I am up for it! Today, was called hit the ground running! Because I know all of them!!!! I can get started with not too much review!

My fourth graders worked on things that help our learning STICK! Then we worked right into magnets! See the transition! We did a KWL followed by them getting to just explore and play!
I love watching them figure out the balls...the magnet chips, and the magnets. I then add the vocabulary words attract and repel on the board. I ask them to show and tell their team what each word means. It is amazing that each student can show what they know! I then gave them a bag of items to test. This year...we are doing FOUR OUT THE DOOR! They must show me what they give themselves as a self assessment on my rubrics with four being the best! I have included the rubrics for you. One is for content...one is for writing, one is for analyzing, and the last is for effort.

                           Science Rubrics Download...FREEBIE

We use FOSS so we did a quick FOSS sheet and then I read a book from EPIC books about magnets! We learned about Iron and Steele and how they attract things that are magnetic! Great quick read and a free sight for teachers!

I also taught my firsties about scientists tools! The kiddos loved the stations! I had them using scales, thermometers, rulers, and timers! The hands on activities helped my little ones get through a whole hour with not too much fuss!
Third graders are also doing similar stations as they learn the metric system! Get them up and moving...get them working as a team! Get them self-assessing! Science=Success!

Happy Back to School! Happy Classrooms!

Sunday Scoop: Back To School

It's back to school this week! Inservice schedules came out...the week might just go by a bit slow, but I can do it! Back to Sunday Scoop as well. Summer is over and I am getting back to linking up. I have missed you Sunday Scoop. Thanks Teaching Trio for our ability to share what is on our platter!

I read up on all of the teachers that have been back to school. Now, it's my turn. We have inservice Tuesday-Thursday with our open house on Wednesday. My room is done (it's a teachers' lounge, until we finish building on to our school. Then I get a real classroom for the first time in four years!) I was inspired by Farley's Currently Challenge. I am going to pay it forward to our staff whenever I can. I am starting with cookies for everyone this week during inservice. I also have treats for the first day of school on September 1st! 

Thanks for letting me share my Sunday Scoop!

Wisconsin Blogger Meet Up!

Hey...it might not have been Vegas...baby, but it was awesome none the less! This Saturday, a group of 21 Wisconsin Bloggers met up at the Delefield Brewhaus right outside of Milwaukee. We spend several hours networking, sharing, eating, and their were some amazing swag and prizes! I am so fortunate to have met these amazing ladies and I am so appreciative of the two wonderful women that organized this special event! A BIG thank you goes out to Jessica Plemons from Mrs. Plemon's Kindergarten and Angela Nerby from Hippo Hooray For Second Grade who organized this event for us! Stop by their blogs!

There were such AMAZING sponsors that helped make this event even more spectacular! I was so lucky to win Sit Spots! I ordered circles and paws. Our school mascot is the Jaguar...perfect for our little ones! Check out their website for some spots of your own! Other great sponsors were...Kim Geswein Fonts, Kedra Scott Design, ESGI, Tailwind...and many more!

Connecting with these amazing, talented women was worth the 4 hour drive! We all share the same goal...improving education by creating amazing resources and reflecting on how to juggle school, blogging, creating, and still have time for ourselves and our families! I can't wait until we meet again...I see rumblings of another meet up real soon. We need more time to chat and share! Until then...On...Wisconsin!

Scavenger Hunt Freebie

Always looking for ways to make your job simpler! Here is another fun way to get kiddos outside and working on science and math! Scavenger hunts are great ways to get our students actively engaged...working with partners...being outside...following and carrying out a plan! Whether in a school garden or in a school yard get the kiddos growing!

Here is a quick freebie to create a fun back to school "field trip"! Take your pick...School Garden or School Yard...

Back to School Blog Hop and Blog Giveaway!

It is so exciting to see how teachers are sharing how the new year is going...getting set up for their rooms...and making new lessons to get their kiddos engaged! Sooooo....Let's have a blog hop and TPT Giveaway to celebrate Back To School!

 I have been in class all week...creating rubric...assessments...using Webb's Depth of Knowledge to create learning targets...I know you guys are jealous!
Embedded image permalink
I also have been working on new packs to help my own kiddos at the start of the new year! Along with assessments we use FOSS for our science source for most lessons and experiments. As a science group...we wanted to create common assessments. All I could think about was how difficult it is for my kiddos to concepts from week to week. So I needed to really engage them in everything I did in that hour I had them. I have worked hard on packs for my students that tie in NGSS. Many states and districts are moving toward that...Take a look at my back to school NGSS ideas...

NGSS First Grade Heredity Pack

NGSS Third Grade Science Safari Pack

More of what can be found in the Second Grade NGSS Pack!

NGSS 2nd Grade Biome Basics Pack

Lots more fun activities for our 2nd grade scientists...

NGSS Space Pack

Full of space activities for our 5th Grade NGSS standards

Space...it continues!!!!
Now...if you are interested in any of these packs and you would like one of them for free or any of my other products...don't forget to sign up for the TPT giveaways below. My sweet blogger friends and I would like to help you celebrate going Back To School with great packs and prizes! Enter below for your chance to win! Thanks to my fellow Wisconsinite...over at Droppin' Knowledge she has organized this fun blog hop!

To enter Giveaway Pack #1...
a Rafflecopter giveaway

To enter Giveaway Pack #2...

a Rafflecopter giveaway

To enter Giveaway #3...

a Rafflecopter giveaway

To enter Giveaway Pack # 4...

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck...Have fun! Enjoy your 2015-2016 School year!

Currently August...already!

Time goes by so quickly! When August gets here I know that summer is over for our family. I have to take classes for 60 hours this month in order to move up to the last spot I can on our new pay scale. So...all next week I am in class.

Followed by my husband coaching football and our daughter starting volleyball...that doesn't have much time until our kiddos step back into our rooms.

 Here in Wisconsin...we don't start with kids until after Labor Day...so I still have time right? My room is not quite ready for me to step back into. We are building onto our school so NEXT year I will get a "real" classroom. I am thankful for the teacher's lounge though! It is a room and not a cart. I am getting it all pretty real soon!

Currently...though...I am thanking Farley...over at Oh' Boy 4th Grade for hosting Currently!
The sun is not out this morning...but the birds sound so lovely! I am loving that I can be on the computer without my kids thinking that is all I do. I have to watch that and cut back on WHEN I am trying to be all that and more!

Once school starts...I am going to schedule everything...tpt...intagram...blogging...creating... any tips for calendar or mapping ideas would be great!

We have had a lot of changes at our school this year. Teachers having to move to different grade levels...the stress of many obstacles. We lost 5 staff members so far this summer and I so want us to come together for our kiddos.

I am also preparing my store for the BIG sale. I created over 10 new products this summer with many more needing to be finished up. MY TPT STORE will be holding a sale...with everything 20% off.     TPT also includes a sale: use the PROMO code BTS15 for an extra savings! You wonder why my kids hate my computer...I love creating!
I love being creative and helping other teachers make science simple. I love school gardens and how they teach my kiddos a life long skill and better eating habits...I love finding ways to integrate science and I am looking for it all around me. My son hates it...

 I also have to remember even if my own children are older...they still need me to be there for them! I am learning to balance it all! For them...for me! This summer has taught me a lot  about myself and my goals! What I can do to make things the best I can in all aspects of my life. Sounds corny, but reflective non the less....

This is where I think I can make a difference...Mr. Smedley had a great idea! We need to start sharing the great things we do in our rooms out there for people to see. I wrote a letter to my staff yesterday sharing his idea...but I am also going to write notes in mailboxes when I see something my coworker is doing that was special or wonderful or caring or thoughtful...you get what I mean! We need to be recognized at times for our hard work...so I will help start us off. I also love the RAK in mailboxes so the note and a treat!  As for home...I can not forget them...finding alone time and something special to do...with special notes and tokens to all of my family members...I have to remember how lucky and blessed I am!

Thanks Farley for inspiring me!

STEM Nursery Rhyme Time!

I use to have this nursery rhyme record when I was little that I had at my grandma's house. I LOVED that record and I knew every nursery rhyme by heart. Our littles now really do not know them very well. Some do...some don't. Last year, I tried to find a way for my kinders to engineer. So, I started taking simple books to get them excited. We made puppets of the three billy goats...which I am working on now and we made bridges to learn over...under...all that good stuff! They LOVED it.

Throughout the year, I kept trying new stories and rhymes to find ways to use simple supplies to have my littles engineer! They have built stamina and used creativity to make some great zip lines...egg protectors...and learned how to use pulleys!

This summer, I have been working on packs that incorporated all of the ideas that I did this last school year!
STEM Nursery Rhyme Time In Action!
Hey, Diddle, Diddle link...catapults, fiddle engineering, and more!

Humpty Dumpty Link...Egg Protectors, Walls, and more!

Jack and Jill link...Pulleys, Handle Helpers, and more...

Miss Muffet Link...Zip Lines and Tuffets and more!

We've been busy this summer engineering! With simple supplies...and simple steps...your students can be building stamina...creativity...and problem solving skills while connecting with reading, writing, and math! Just in time for back to school! NGSS science standards are linked to each lesson as well!

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